
Carolina is a Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield, UK.
Previously, she worked as an Academic Fellow at The University of Sheffield (from September 2019 to November 2021) and as a Research Associate for the WeVerify (from March 2019 to August 2019) and SIMPATICO (from July 2016 to February 2019) projects.
In 2017, Carolina was awarded a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Sheffield with the thesis entitled “Document-level Machine Translation Quality Estimation”. She also has a master’s degree from the University of São Paulo, Brazil (awarded in 2013).
She is interested in Natural Language Processing topics, more specifically in online content verification (misinformation detection); personalised NLP; text simplification; machine translation; quality estimation of machine translation; document-level evaluation of NLP tasks outputs; and readability assessment.
She is the Secretary for the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) (since 2018, re-elected in 2020). Since 2019, Carolina is also the Secretary for the International Association for Machine Translation (IAMT).

Brendan Spillane is an Assistant Professor in the School of Information and Communication Studies in University College Dublin (UCD) and a Funded Investigator in the Science Foundation Ireland ADAPT Centre for AI-Driven Digital Content Technology.
He completed his PhD in the School of Computer Science and Statistics in Trinity College Dublin which was focused on Bias as a dimension of Credibility in the judgement of news. After completing his PhD, he held three concurrent positions as a Postdoctoral researcher on the H2020 Provenance project developing tools to detect and warn users of disinformation, a two-year Government of Ireland IRC Postdoctoral Fellowship conducting a Systematic Literature Review and Meta Analysis of credibility research to inform the design of new tools and theory to analysis disinformation, and a Research Fellowship in the Proactive Experiences and Agency challenge in the Digitally Enhanced Engagement Strand (PEA@DEE), in the ADAPT Centre.
Brendan built and led the VIGILANT consortium during the proposal process while he was a Research Fellow in Trinity College Dublin. Since moving to UCD is still heavily involved in the day-to-day management of the project.

Eva Power is an EU Research Project Manager with ADAPT working on other EU projects alongside VIGILANT.
Previous to working in ADAPT, Eva worked in Management in a private company. She holds a BA in Sociology and Greek & Roman Civilisation.

Dominika Hajdu is a Policy Director at GLOBSEC Democracy & Resilience Centre.
In research, she focuses on the impact of information operations and social media on a democratic society, cognitive security, and strategic communication of the public sector. She has led large-scale international projects focusing on research, awareness-raising and capacity-building for various target groups aiming to build societal and state resilience. She holds an MA in EU Foreign Policy from the University of Leuven in Belgium. In VIGILANT, she is primarily responsible for leading the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation activities of the project.

Prof. Owen Conlan is a co-applicant, co-PI and strand leader in ADAPT research centre.
He leads the Digitally Enhanced Engagement strand. Owen’s research focuses on empowering users in understanding and interacting with complex information and media. He has published 180+ scientific peer-reviewed papers and international journal articles receiving ~3000 citations. Owen leads the VIGILANT project as Project Coordinator.
Neill Bo Finlayson is an applied researcher at TNO working in the field of cognitive warfare, information operations and behaviour influencing.
His recent research topics include behaviour influencing in the information environment, the cognitive effects of disinformation, societal resilience and hybrid threats. His background lies primarily in political communication, particularly the study of political campaign tactics and propaganda which was the focus of his two-year research Master’s at the University of Amsterdam. Neill Bo was first introduced to the field of strategic defence research while working for a Dutch think tank before joining TNO. He is also a qualified journalist, having worked for over three years with various regional, national and broadcast news titles back in his home country of Scotland. As well as being Gender Lead for the programme, Neill Bo is a researcher on the VIGILANT, working on the development of a conceptual model of disinformation within the social drivers and behavioural dynamics work package.
Consortium members

The College of the Holly and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin
Trinity College Dublin is the oldest university in Ireland and one of leading research-focused universities in Europe. It is comprised of three faculties with 23 schools, with 18,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students studying across all major disciplines in the arts and humanities, business, law, engineering, science and others. Research makes an essential part of university's focus and it has a fundamental influence on the teaching. The university brings leading academics, researchers and industry partners together to deliver excellent science, engage the public, develop novel solutions for business across all sectors and enhance Ireland’s international reputation.

ATOS is represented in the VIGILANT project by ATOS Research & Innovation - Eviden, the R&D department for new technologies inside Atos’ BDS division with the largest expertise in research and development projects.
ATOS is a private company that has become a global leader in digital transformation. European number one in cybersecurity, cloud and high performance computing, It provides tailored end-to-end solutions for all industries in 71 countries. The purpose of the company is to help design the future of the information space. Its expertise and services support the development of knowledge, education and research in a multicultural approach and contribute to the development of scientific and technological excellence. ATOS enables its customers, employees, and societies around the world to live, work and develop sustainably, in a safe and secure information space.

Within the Department of Interior of the Government of Catalonia, the Policia de la Generalitat – Mossos d’Esquadra (PGME) is the police force with full jurisdiction in the territory of Catalonia (Spain), with more than 7 million inhabitants. Mossos d’Esquadra is divided in central, regional and local services that provide service to all Catalonia. The mission of the Mossos d’Esquadra is to protect the free exercise of fundamental rights and public freedoms, as well as the public safety, ensuring from the proximity, the peaceful coexistence and protection of persons and property in accordance with the law. As an integral police force, the PGME performs its competences in areas such as public safety and public order in large concentrations of people. It is also assigned judicial police powers in the fight against organized crime and terrorism, both domestic and international groups whose activity may affect public security. The values that define our organization are proximity, commitment, integrity, willingness to serve and efficiency.

GLOBSEC is a global think-tank based in Bratislava, Slovakia, committed to enhancing security, prosperity and sustainability in Europe and throughout the world. Its mission is to influence the future by generating new ideas and solutions for a better and safer world. We believe we can change the world by putting together the right stakeholders at the right time for a free exchange of ideas. Its Centre for Democracy and Resilience focuses on protecting fundamental democratic values and processes through generating new ideas, providing creative solutions, and engaging relevant stakeholders to drive positive change towards more resilient democracies in a digital age. The Centre does so by conducting research, capacity-building and advocacy in the areas of information operations, hybrid threats, election interference, social media regulation, and transparency and by providing recommendations to a range of stakeholders.
The General Police Inspectorate (IGP) of Moldova is a specialized public institution of the state, subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Its mission is defending freedom and fundamental human rights; to maintain, ensure, and restore public order and security, as well as to prevent and combat crimes and misdemeanors. Under the supervision of the IGP are: the National Investigation Inspectorate, the National Patrol Inspectorate, the Chisinau Municipality Police Department, the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation, the “Fulger” Special Purpose Brigade, the Canine Center, the Technical-Criminal Center and Judicial Expertise, the Center for Police Cooperation international agency (Interpol) and 42 police inspectorates at district level.

Gerulata Technologies is a tech company based in Bratislava, Slovakia specializing in developing software for STRATCOM and OSINT professionals. It helps them to see the big picture, make informed decisions and evaluate the impact of their campaigns by visualizing trends, emerging narratives, and the top threats and detect spikes and unusual patterns in the activity of monitored information networks. Gerulata leverages the latest advances in natural language AI to provide its users with the ability to research and automatically detect topics, narratives and themes, regardless of the wording; identify who is who in the infosphere; reveal the origins of a narrative and analyze how it was amplified (or not) by other actors; and understand how information spreads with the help of our Universe graph technology mapping the reuse of content between sources, providing a clear picture of information “upstream” and “downstream” for any given source.

The Hellenic Police (Elliniki Astynomia) is a Law Enforcement Agency comprised of both central and regional services tasked with ensuring peace and order as well as citizens’ unhindered social development and preventing and interdicting crime as well as protecting the State and the democratic form of government within the framework of constitutional order. Its efforts center on the fulfillment of the police’s mission, within the framework of the Ministry of Citizen’s Protection policy. Hence it schedules, directs, oversees and monitors the activities of its services, and ensures the necessary conditions for the exercise of its authority. In its continuous mission to serve and protect citizens, Hellenic Police has responded to our times’ demands and challenges by improving training, adopting a modern crime prevention policy, better utilizing science and technology and by exploiting international law enforcement cooperation.

Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA) is a public research institution established by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. UTIA’s mission is to provide the research and development in the fields of theoretical cybernetics and computer science, namely in signal and image processing, pattern recognition, embedded systems, system science, artificial intelligence, stochastic informatics, and control theory. The institute has in the past participated in several EU projects, including FP6, FP7 and ARTEMIS projects.

Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT) is an independent, non-profit institute dedicated to intelligent technology research. It brings together experts in artificial intelligence and other areas of computer science, with connections to other disciplines, including:
- web and user data processing including false information and malicious behavior modeling
- processing and comprehension of natural language
- data analysis for green energy; information security
- ethics and human values in intelligent technologies
KInIT’s goals are:
- to improve Slovakia’s competitiveness by amassing diverse talent in a multidisciplinary research environment focused on intelligent technologies
- to connect the private and public sectors through active cooperation
- to encourage responsible innovation, expansion of knowledge and talent cultivation
- education and support for evidence-based decision-making

KEMEA is a scientific, research, and advisory body focusing on theoretical and applied research on issues related to Security Policy. It leads research programs and studies on internal security matters concerning the Ministry of Citizen Protection (formerly Public Order and Citizen Protection) and the services that fall under it, as well as other internal bodies; develops cooperation at national and international level with organizations and services, research and educational centers and institutions, social, scientific bodies, and NGOs; studies criminal phenomena and the qualitative and quantitative changes of crime on the Greek territory and designs methods and practices for anti-crime policy, and supports cross-border cooperation processes.

TNO is an independent research organization aiming at making knowledge applicable for companies and governments. The organization connects people and knowledge to create innovations to strengthen the competitiveness of companies and the welfare of society in a sustainable way. TNO’s current focus lies achieving a safe, secure, healthy, sustainable, and digital society. To get to these goals, TNO strives to develop system solutions, create innovation ecosystems, secure technological breakthroughs, and accelerate dynamic innovation.

Ontotext is a global leader in enterprise knowledge graph technology and semantic database engines. As a member of W3C, EDMC, STI and LDBC, Ontotext supports the development of the next generation technology trends and standards. Their technology and solutions are spread wide across the value chain of the most knowledge intensive enterprises in Financial Services, Publishing, Healthcare, Pharma, Industry and Public sectors.

The Police and Border Guard Board ensures that Estonia is a safe place to live, work and visit. The board is tasked with preserving law and order, investigating and preventing crimes and misdemeanors, guarding the border, rescue at sea, determining the grounds and status for people staying in Estonia, and issuing identity documents. Police and Border Guard Board officials strives to be creative and have the courage to think differently, find solutions to problems, admit errors and take responsibility, to care about others, value co-workers and people we come into contact with, and to ensure a better future and security by finding new and clever solutions.
University College Dublin is one of Europe's leading research-intensive universities. Since its foundation, the University has made a unique contribution to the creation of modern Ireland, based on successful engagement with Irish society on every level and across every sphere of activity. The international standing of UCD has grown in recent years; it is currently ranked within the top 1% of higher education institutions world-wide. UCD is also Ireland's most globally engaged university with over 38,000 students drawn from 152 countries, including over 5,000 students based at locations outside of Ireland.

University for the Police in Germany is a university for senior police officers and the most important line between science and practice for the discussion of police issues in Germany. It plays a decisive role in the systematic development of police science in research, teaching and studies and thus provide impetus for the improvement of police work. Through the close integration of practice and theory, the university facilitates comprehensive qualification and action competences of police managers. Its mission is to have a police that is open to the world, bound by values, and aware of its responsibilities in the democratic constitutional state, for freedom, security and public order. To achieve this goal, the university cooperates with multiple educational and research institutions in the region, at home and abroad and emphatically promote a common European understanding of the police.

The University of Freiburg was founded in 1457 and received multiple awards as one of the best in Germany. Its Centre for Security and Society (CSS), which participates in the project, is an interdisciplinary research center that focuses on issues of technological, juridical, sociological, ethical and political security. Civil Security has become a contested theme for the general public. In particular, topics such as possibilities, risks and ambivalences of modern technologies; insecurities in the face of global economic, social and political upheavals, resulting in new forms of transnational terrorism and crime; and, not least, challenges arising from the digital revolution in the field of security, are ones on the focus of attention in public debates. CSS-based projects and its members’ further research address topics from all these areas, often in the context of national and European research consortia.

The University of Sheffield is a public research university in England, formed from 50 academic departments organised into five faculties. Its Department of Computer Science, participating in the VIGILANT project, is committed to advancing the theoretical foundations of computer science and to achieving impact through close collaboration with end users. The department plays a central role in the University research environment, providing leadership for four interdisciplinary centers and three flagship institutes. The focus lies mainly on spoken language technology (SLT), computational models as tools to identify causal relationships in disease mechanisms, bioinspired machine intelligence, and dependable and secure systems.
Executive board
VIGILANT’s Executive board comprises leading experts and project managers from organisations and institutions from the consortium partners below responsible for the most important tasks and respective work packages.
Organisations in the Board
Work with us
The success of this project lies in a cooperative effort between academics, industry experts and police authorities. Join our efforts in achieving a safer information space.