We are happy to announce another collaboration with the project supported under the Horizon Europe scheme - POLIIICE.
The vision of the POLIIICE is to advance European Law Enforcement Authorities to a novel lawful interception (LI), investigation and intelligence era in which they will be able to effectively prevent, detect and investigate crime and terrorism amid the new age of communication (5G&Beyond, end-to-end encrypted communication and Quantum based encryption).
These new age technologies turn legacy LI solutions to totally in-effective and therefore put significant risk on Europe’s fight against crime and terrorism.
POLIIICE will offer, research, validate and demonstrate array of innovative LI measures at cloud & network level as well as at edge device level that together will enable LEAs to efficiently overcome the new age challenges and enable high throughput of its LI.
POLIIICE is designed for ensuring the cost-effectiveness, security and integrity of the new age LI and will provide the legal and ethical framework for each of its measures while strictly complying with privacy preserving and ethics rules of operation.
POLIIICE will contribute to the LI standardization and will recommend EU regulation changes for effective adaptation of POLIIICE vision and innovative LI measures.
Stay tuned for more about our collaboration!