VIGILANT Project joined a project cluster initiated by another Horizon Europe-funded project, FERMI. The clustering involves forming a network of projects that share similar topics or complementary goals. This alliance can include collaboration in communication efforts, joint dissemination activities, participation in mutual-interest meetings, collective capacity-building events, and workshops, among other activities.
The European Commission encourages the clustering of Horizon Europe projects to maximize the impact of the funded initiatives. The follownig projects joined forces to create a joint Hybrid Threat's cluster beyond VIGILANT:
An Exposition On The Foreign Information Manipulation And Interference
Fake News Risk Mitigator
Interdisciplinary Research Project on Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference
Travel Intelligence Against Crime And Terrorism
Reliable biomeTric tEchNologies to asSist Police authorities in cOmbating terrorism and oRganized crime
VERification Assisted by Artificial Intelligence
"We are really happy to have joined forces with important projects that share a common goal - to help build more resilient societies to disinformation and hybrid threats - phenomena that endanger the basic building blocks of democracy. The protection of democratic values, principles and institutions across Europe can only be achieved via inter-disciplinary and international cooperation, which the Horizon Europe scheme generously encourages and supports." - Dominika Hajdu, GLOBSEC