Our partners from the Police of Catalonia had a busy summer! Presenting the VIGILANT Project at three major events in Barcelona in June and July this year, our project has again expanded its reach to around 5,000 practitioners from the public, business and non-governmental sectors.
Between June 4-5, the project was presented at UNVEX’24 Barcelona, an event that focuses on unmanned systems and technologies by holding exhibitions, workshops and live demonstrations.
Between June 5-6, the Catalonian Police presented VIGILANT at the Barcelonian Security Forum with a stand and presentation titled "The participation of the Mossos d’Esquadra in European Projects”.
On July 4, they delivered a pitch presentation at Mobile World Capital Summer Edition on how to elevate innovation among police authorities with EU projects and funding, using VIGILANT as a best practice example. The presentation was attended by the representatives of SMEs, academia, and public sector. The event serves as an important hub for presenting and discussing latest mobile and digital technology.