Leveraging Technology to Combat Disinformation: Gathering insights into the VIGILANT tool

On October 2, our consortium partners from the German Police University hosted a workshop with the Police Authorities to gather further feedback on the platform and the training that will be part of our project in its third year.

The workshop was attended by altogether 24 participants who actively contributed to shaping VIGILANT in its final stages. Six Police Authorities outside of the project consortium joined as well and provided valuable inputs into the training structure and curricula. The key aims of the event included insight gathering on disinformation challenges Police Authorities face in their work, better understanding of how VIGILANT can support the Police's work and overcome the challenges, how to develop a user-centered training plan that would benefit the law enforcement authorities and how to further advance the tool to go hand in hand with the training and gaps-filling.

The leaders of the workshop, Joachim Faßbender and Florian Bonensteffen from the German Police University located in the lovely city of North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster, did a fantastic job in navigating the different requirements and needs from the Police Authorities from across Europe, each of whom face slightly different security risks, ranging from right-wing extremism, terrorism, separatism, and others. Election disinformation with a high potential to disrupt key democratic processes was highlighted as one of the key issues that most police authorities are increasingly coupling with.

Stay tuned for more information about the training and contact us at info@vigilantproject.eu to join them!