The VIGILANT project ensures that its technologies align with ethical principles, preventing risks such as restricting free speech or fostering discrimination in the fight against disinformation. By maintaining this ethical framework, VIGILANT not only addresses disinformation but also strengthens Europe's democratic values, says Zlatko Valentic, from the University of Freiburg, who developed the VIGILANT Ethics Framework. Read more in the interview.

1. Why are ethical principles important for the VIGILANT project?
Ethical principles are of central importance to the VIGILANT project because they serve as the moral compass guiding the work. One of VIGILANT's main objectives is to protect democracy and peaceful coexistence in society by countering the growing spread of disinformation. This disinformation threatens our democratic processes and can undermine public trust in institutions and the media. Ethics play a crucial role in this context, as they remind us of the values—such as equality, justice, and freedom of expression—that define our democratic system.
By adhering to ethical principles, the VIGILANT project can ensure that the technologies developed and employed align with these values. Without this ethical framework, the fight against disinformation could easily take problematic turns, such as restricting freedom of expression or employing discriminatory practices. Ethical principles therefore act as a safety net, ensuring that our responses to disinformation uphold democratic and ethical standards. In this sense, VIGILANT is not just a technological endeavour but also an ethical one, contributing to the preservation and strengthening of Europe’s democratic values.
2. When writing the ethics framework, which obstacles have you encountered? Which was the most challenging part to write?
One of the greatest challenges in writing the ethical framework was finding the right balance between the almost limitless technological possibilities and the necessary ethical boundaries. In the development of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence for detecting and combating disinformation, the temptation often arises to exploit everything that is technically feasible. For example, it would be possible to use large-scale personal data or real-time biometric facial recognition to target disinformation. But this is precisely where ethics reminds us of the temptation that Adam and Eve succumbed to in the Garden of Eden when they ate the forbidden apple. This temptation exists for us today as well: we could fully utilise our technological capabilities, but the price might be the erosion of the foundations of our free and democratic way of life.
Overcoming this temptation means adhering to ethical principles and ensuring that we protect citizens' privacy and fundamental rights. In other words, it’s not just about what we can do, but also about what we should do.
Another challenging issue, which was addressed in detail in the deliverables, was the distinction between legitimate political expression and disinformation. It is often difficult to define what separates disinformation from a legitimate opinion. Who decides what counts as disinformation? These questions touch the very core of our democratic processes. It is crucial that the use of technologies like VIGILANT does not result in the suppression of political opinions or the delegitimization of dissenting voices. The ethical framework had to address these complex political and legal issues while ensuring that the project’s goals remain aligned with democratic principles.
3. With technology, politics, and society developing fast every day, is there anything you would like to add to the ethics framework? What area do you think will change most quickly?
Technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), is advancing at an astonishing pace, and its impact on society is often difficult to predict. If we compare these developments to a tsunami, we are now in the phase where the water is slowly receding, before the wave hits us with full force. We know that this "AI wave" is approaching, but few can truly estimate the precise consequences it will have on democracy and social cohesion.
This is why it is crucial that we act proactively and – as Machiavelli might put it – build dams, or protective measures, to safeguard our free and democratic way of life from uncontrollable outcomes. The VIGILANT project is one such dam, as are the new regulations on artificial intelligence at the EU level. These ethical and legal dams are designed to ensure that we are not caught off guard by these rapid developments.
The most immediate changes are likely to occur in the areas of information processing and the spread of disinformation. As AI systems become increasingly sophisticated, it may become harder in the future to distinguish between true and false information. This is where we must intervene early to ensure that such technologies are developed and utilised in line with our ethical and democratic principles.
"It is not enough to simply reflect on disinformation and develop theoretical frameworks. We must also provide concrete tools and technologies that allow authorities to effectively combat disinformation without compromising democratic principles. This combination of theory and practice is crucial in tackling the challenges we face today".
4. Which of the mentioned responsibilities do you think is the most important right now?
The most important responsibility at the moment is raising awareness of the dangers that disinformation poses to European democracies. Disinformation can significantly erode public trust in democratic institutions and processes, leading to social polarisation and destabilisation. In this regard, the VIGILANT project is a small but essential piece of the puzzle. What makes VIGILANT stand out is the connection between theoretical reflection and practical implementation.
It is not enough to simply reflect on disinformation and develop theoretical frameworks. We must also provide concrete tools and technologies that allow authorities to effectively combat disinformation without compromising democratic principles. This combination of theory and practice is crucial in tackling the challenges we face today.
5. What steps do we have to take to make sure the VIGILANT tool is not misused for political purposes, as stated in the framework?
To ensure that the VIGILANT tool is not misused for political purposes, two key elements are essential: transparency and accountability. Transparency means that every decision made using the tool must be traceable. It should be clear which data was used, on what basis information was classified as disinformation, and who made the decision.
Accountability is equally important. We must prevent the tool from being weaponised by political actors to suppress certain opinions or groups. This could occur if political decision-makers indirectly influence PA’s or if the independence of investigative bodies is not sufficiently guaranteed. Therefore, clear oversight mechanisms must be established to ensure that the VIGILANT tool is used independently and impartially.
6. What are the most crucial opportunities for VIGILANT to help combat disinformation linked to criminal activities while ensuring a strong ethical-by-design approach?
The greatest opportunity for VIGILANT lies in proactively addressing the challenges of disinformation and criminal activities emerging from technological advancements. Those who spread disinformation often have the advantage of not being bound by ethical principles. However, VIGILANT provides an opportunity to reduce this advantage through technological innovation and ethical responsibility.
By following an ethics-by-design approach, VIGILANT ensures that ethical considerations are integrated into the development and deployment of technology from the very beginning. This prevents the measures used to combat disinformation from leading to ethical or democratic dilemmas themselves. The long-term goal is to create a democratic, truth-oriented, non-discriminatory, and diverse political order. This is at the heart of the European ideal, and VIGILANT can make a significant contribution towards realising these values in times of technological change.